Memes of the Meet: Fukuoka World Champs

Courtesy of Jake Swinn - Swimming's #1 Meme Artist


One Twitter account you’ll want to follow and put notifications on for the next big meet is Jake Swinn, our main meme man. Nobody weaves swimming and culture quite like him.

That’s why SS copies him almost immediately after he tweets. When SS begins copying you, you know you are doing something right!

We’ve compiled 30 of his memes from Fukuoka and put them in chronological order so you can relive World Champs through the laughter of memes.

Be sure to click the videos to get a larger chuckle in your belly.

If you laugh more than once, please think about sharing the newsletter so that other swim nerds like you can enjoy a hearty chortle this morning.

Did you enjoy this email? Which meme was your favorite?

Let us know after you vote: